Sunday, October 17, 2010

The problem with being productive

I am a master of multitasking and time management. Really. I am able to keep organized a hectic and random schedule that many people would find overwhelming, and I still find time to go running, keep the apartment (relatively) tidy, never get behind on bills, practice, spend time with the people that make me happy, and I usually do it all without even thinking about it. No agonizing over what to do or should be done. Just plan, and do. Now, I know many people have much more family and work-related obligations, but I also know a startling high number of people who get overwhelmed by having to do a load of laundry.

The problem with being productive is that it creates an unrealistic expectation for what should be accomplished in a day. Not every day should be productive. Some days are meant for simply relaxing. Sitting on the couch. Listening to music. Watching a movie (gasp!) in the middle of the afternoon. Not caring if it's sunny outside and you should be "enjoying it." OR maybe you do go outside for an aimless wander, just to waste time. It feels like today should be one of those days, and yet, I can't bring myself to be comfortable with it. There is a list of things I should be doing that I simply cannot bring myself to tackle. I would definitely feel happier and more accomplished if I practiced a couple hours today, or went online and downloaded some application forms for grad school and started to fill them out, or updated my resume, or did the old seasonal switch of clothing, making a a Goodwill pile of stuff that went an entire season untouched to clear precious drawer and closet space for this season's new fashionable items that I probably won't buy...I WANT to do all these things, but for some reason, it is just not working out today. Even the mere fact that I am "blogging" about this should illustrate the extent to which I am sabotaging my own attempts at productivity.

I know I shouldn't worry about this too much because everything that has to get done will be taken care of by a different me, I just sort of wish she were here today.